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Education in Virtual Worlds

3D VHS Metropolis Grid

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Part 2

This time I visited Metropolis Grid, I landed on a snowy place, but it changes every season, so if you visit now, it will be full of Easter decoration and it will be green. The area is called "World of Seasons". There I found a cabin in the snow with lovely furniture, a good place to practice vocabulary and to make films with students.

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 Part 1

This article series is about the VHS in Open Sim, another school whose existence was endangered by the costs in SL. VHS stands for Volkshochschule  and translates as  folk high school. The VHS has schools all over Germany in RL, but the city Goslar is the only one with a virtual sim. They have a good reason to be proud of it. Not only because they won an award some years ago (E-Learning-Award eureleA in 2008, and a media prize in 2010) but because of the continuous development of their innovative ideas and their amazing IT skills.

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Escape Digiworldz

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Escape in Digiworldz is a new creation of James Abrahams who owns Mi Casa in SL. The sim is so incredible because it is the modern version of Mi Casa meaning that it has more interactive tasks for students to do without teachers.I had to visit the sim many times to get an idea of all the possibilities a teacher has for teaching Spanish in the sim. First of all I love the people in the square (bots), they may look like decoration, but they are interactive and help students practice small talk, then the people sitting in the café help students review the verbs and the tenses while they sit there and enjoy the Mexican atmosphere and surroundings.

Read more: Escape Digiworldz

Edutopia Kitely

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A shop in Edutopia

Kitely is a 3D world that needs donations, it runs with the money people pay monthly for their plots. There are lots of private plots where only registered people can enter, that is why it is so popular with primary and secondary schools, but also with private schools like the one I am going to tell you about. 

Today I am going to talk about a beautiful island called Edutopia whose owner, Barbara McQueen, is known as "The Games Queen" amongst her friends and neighbours in Second Life.

Read more: Edutopia Kitely

3D world Kitely

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A lake with swans

One of my recent visits to Kitely World, where many schools have private sims, led me to a public sim dedicated to the famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen.

The medieval town has rivers, mountains, lakes, castles, a market, huts, cabins, a wind mill, an old house, carts, ships, animals, a pub and a shop where you can get the figures that are spread around the sim and a few other articles for free.

Read more: 3D world Kitely

Immersive Spanish learning

User Rating:  / 170

Mi Casa is a very special sim to learn Spanish in a totally immersive environment. It was created by Calisto Encinal for his students, people who visit the sim are astonished by all the learning activities they find. I think it is the best language learning sim I have ever visited.

Read more: Immersive...


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Writing ebooks in school

This time I am writing about an easy way to get children writing in English. First of all you need a nice story in form of a game just like "The wonderful wizard from Oz"

Suggestion for a pre-task: The group could watch the film in their own language first and then play together in small teams.


Who applies Mobile Learning?

 Many schools have been using mobile devices to teach. Some schools even have their own apps. Universities rely on Mobile Learning because of the advantages. Primary schools use mobile devices because they have proved to be useful in many ways, for example for disabled kids. Many schools talk about their experiences with Mobile Learning and their positive results. But what do students think? Do they have a different view of Mobile Learning or even further ideas on how can Mobile Learning help us in future? One student explains why Mobile Learning should be standard learning. All in all, we can summarize: Mobile Learning is the future.